How do I care for my incision?

The surgical incision has been closed with staples. These will be removed at your first postoperative visit with Dr. Fraser, approximately 2 weeks following your surgery. Your bandage is see through and waterproof, it will remain on until your first post -operative visit with Dr. Fraser. Please do not apply any lotions or creams (Ex. Polysporin, Vitamin E) to the wound until after your 6 weeks postoperative appointment with Dr. Fraser.

You should watch for signs and symptoms of wound infection including, but not limited to redness, pain, swelling, and discharge. Should these signs or symptoms be noted, Dr. Fraser’s office should be contacted by calling (705) 450-0117. Please do not allow another physician to start antibiotics for a potential wound infection without speaking to Dr. Fraser. If there is an infection developing, it is essential that Dr. Fraser be able to assess the wound prior to any treatment to make sure that a more serious deep infection is not masked.